Oh, Baby! Blankets
Cutting Skill Level: Beginner
Sewing Skill Level: Beginner

Oh, Baby! Blankets are made of soft cotton print on the front and snuggly flannel on the back. The finished size of the blankets is perfect for newborns, infants and toddlers. This project is ideal for beginning sewers – just straight sewing, and a little yarn tying at the end to finish it off. Taking on a blanket project is a great way to learn a new skill, and give something back at the same time!
Interested in helping? Request a blanket project, and we will send you as many as you like. The fabric is generally cut to size, but some evening of the edges may be necessary.
When you have completed your project, let us know and we can make arrangements for pick up or return. Sew Good Goods donates finished blankets to local crisis nurseries, shelters and transitional housing projects and area food shelves.
Click on PDF for blanket instructions
Contact Sew Good Goods for all supplies!