Ready for School!
Book Bags
Cutting Skill Level: Beginner
Sewing Skill Level: Beginner

Many children around the world do not have the resources for basic school supplies. Would you like to help? If yes, this project could be a great fit for you! Ready for School! Book Bags are made of colorful, sturdy cotton, easy to sew for volunteers of all ages and skill levels. The book bags are also a great size for holding toiletries and other personal items for donation to area food shelves, and these donations have been warmly received!
Want to help but don't want to sew? This is the perfect project. Request everything you need to cut and package school bags for future sewers to complete. This project has worked well for employee team meetings or group events where setting up a sewing machine is just not practical. Generous Best Buy volunteers recently cut and packaged over 150 book bags, ready for other volunteers to sew!
Would you rather sew? This is an opportunity for you! Each kit contains book bags cut and ready for sewing. You can check out as many as you have time and energy!
When you have completed your project, let us know and we can make arrangements for pick up or return. Sew Good Goods donates the book bags to area children in reading programs and also to area food shelves.
Ready for School! Book Bag instructions
Contact Sew Good Goods for all supplies!